41 lat
- Prom sp. z o. o.
Client Multi-level IT support. Preparation of responses to hardware and software bids.
Systems administration (Windows, Linux, Cisco). Disaster recovery and diagnostics.
Software development. Imparted day to day support. Help desk.
- ETK systems.
IP network administration, documentation translations, involvement in creating software
translations in order to release Polish language versions, installation and support of IT
2003-2005 - Working as an English language teacher and translator.
2000-2001 - Global Services Provider Sp. z o. o.
IP/LAN network administration, servicing of VoIP equipment, Cisco routers, xDSL
modems, Frame Relay equipment, Linux (Red Hat) and Windows NT 4.0 servers.
1996-1999 - Academic network administration.
1994-1996 - PiK Computers
Selling of computer hardware and software, installation and client support services.
Preferowane miejsce pracy:
Numer klienta: 43185 |
Wiek: 41
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Inne stanowisko pracy:
Preferowany rodzaj pracy: Praca umysłowa
Preferowany stanowisko pracy: Informatyk
Czy zainteresowany pracą w Polsce: Tak
Znajomość języka angielskiego: 5 - Advanced
Prawo jazdy: B
Licencja na wózki widłowe: Nie