40 lat
During my career I learned the secrets of international freight forwarding and shipping.
However, my main skills he developed and perfected during the experience gained from
participation and observation of sales and marketing processes.
I am fascinated by business and people management and the creation and observation of phenomena
on the market. I wish to continue and gain new experiences and professional life. Not buoys
new challenges and my goal is continuous learning and self-improvement, to the every day
create yourself a better and wiser, drawing knowledge from others and passing it on.
Preferowane miejsce pracy:
Numer klienta: 13598 |
Wiek: 40
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Inne stanowisko pracy:
Preferowany rodzaj pracy: Praca umysłowa
Preferowany stanowisko pracy: Manadżer
Czy zainteresowany pracą w Polsce: Tak
Znajomość języka angielskiego: 4 - Upper-intermediate
Prawo jazdy: A, B
Licencja na wózki widłowe: Nie