Recepcjonista rozne
36 lat
2000-2002 Days Inn Chicago Il
Calculated room availability for guest arrivals and reservations. Assisted guests at check-inn and check-out. Instructed guests of hotel policies and procedures. Responsible for complete customer service and safety.
2002-2004 MidAmerica Bank Norridge Il
Associate Teller
Responsible for providing satisfaction to existing and potential new customers by assuring quality service and operational accuracy. Duties included cash handling, deposits and withdrawals, loan payments, etc.
Also responsible for training new employees.
2005-2006 Polana Chicago Il
Manager Assistant
Preparing bank deposits by compiling data from the cash register, verifying and balancing receipts, and sending checks and other forms of payments to the bank. Placing orders by telephone, fax, and the Internet as well as serving customers.
2008-2011 Comet Tool Elk Groove Village, IL
CNC lathe operator
Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following.
Reads operator sampling inspection standards for dimensions and tolerances.
Observes operation of machines and verifies conformance to specifications by using hand gauge measurements and/or visual inspection.
Records quality inspection data on check sheets.
Records production information on daily reports.
Moves control switches to check and reset machines.
Starts up and shuts down machines according to procedures.
Preferowane miejsce pracy:
Numer klienta: 16114 |
Wiek: 36
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Inne stanowisko pracy: rozne
Preferowany rodzaj pracy: Hotelarstwo i gastronomia
Preferowany stanowisko pracy: Recepcjonista
Czy zainteresowany pracą w Polsce: Tak
Znajomość języka angielskiego: 5 - Advanced
Prawo jazdy: Brak
Licencja na wózki widłowe: Nie